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The Doctor and Thea + One

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The Doctor and Thea

By Herbert L Hilliard

short synopsis

Discover a captivating love story in “The Doctor And Thea,” a fictional novel that explores the complexities of romance, physical handicap, and drug abuse. Immerse yourself in one of the best romance stories to read.

Top romance stories. The Doctor and Thea is a fantasy storybook by Herbert L Hilliard, based on his personal experience as a former drug addict and burn victim. The book follows the relationship between a facial reconstruction surgeon and a woman he meets on his way back to his clinic.

Looking for a swoon-worthy read? Dive into this curated collection of romance novels by Herbert Hilliard, each weaving tales of love, passion, and happy-ever-after’s. These heart-fluttering stories are just a click away on Amazon, ready to be devoured by eager readers looking for their next book crush.

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Compelling articles anyone? Let’s Read

Experience romance stories about love and social issues. Let’s Read!

May I Control You?

By Herbert L Hilliard

May I control you? “The concept of control over one’s life and the lives of others, even in death, is a complex and sensitive subject. It touches on deep philosophical, ethical, and psychological issues about autonomy, consent, and the nature of influence. Historically, people have sought to extend their influence beyond their lifetime through wills and legacies, impacting the living with their last wishes and instructions.

Voodoo Queen

However, the desire to control someone even after death raises questions about the limits of one’s power and the respect for the autonomy of others. It’s important to consider the feelings and rights of all involved, ensuring that any influence or guidance is given with kindness and respect for personal boundaries. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of not wanting to live or is dealing with grief, it’s crucial to seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide help and guidance.”

“The desire to maintain a connection with a loved one after they have passed away is a natural part of the grieving process. It’s a reflection of the deep bonds we form and the difficulty in letting go. Grief is a highly personal experience, and it can manifest in various ways, including the wish to keep some form of control or connection with the deceased. This can be part of the complex journey towards acceptance and finding a new normal without the physical presence of the loved one. Seeking support through this process, whether from friends, family, or professional counselors, can be beneficial. It’s important to find healthy ways to cope and to honor the memory of the person who has passed, while also allowing oneself to heal and move forward.”


The above statements are what Microsoft Copilot has to say on the topic of wanting to control someone.

On the other hand, wanting to have control over someone even after they have died may simply be a control issue by the surviving person is also what I am saying.

“Losing control over someone can be a challenging and often emotional experience. It’s a part of life that sometimes relationships evolve or change, leading to a shift in dynamics. This could happen in personal relationships, where people grow apart or in professional settings where roles and responsibilities change. It’s important to focus on what can be controlled, such as one’s reactions and decisions. Embracing change, seeking support, and engaging in self-reflection can be helpful steps in navigating through such transitions. Remember, it’s natural for relationships to ebb and flow, and letting go can lead to new opportunities and personal growth.”


Once again Microsoft Copilot makes its input on the topic of controlling in the above.

I am not a psychologist or social worker and as aways one should be careful of what one sees and reads on the internet. I control my mother’s behavior who has passed way envisioning a relationship that she and I did not have when she was alive and telling her what I felt in my heart, such as that I love her and would do nothing deliberately to upset her. In doing so I am controlling myself as it is impossible to control my mother’s behavior in her present state.

Women of Benin

“Controlling people often prey upon those they’re closest to, taking advantage of others’ introversion, submissive tendencies, or simple good faith, says Controlling Behavior: Signs, Causes, And What To Do About It – Supportive”

Everyone has an opinion and the only opinion that matters are no one’s as an opinion finds itself in the grave long before the person having the opinion does. For more information and opinions on controlling another person go to: Controlling Behavior: Signs and How to Respond (

Other article to change your perspective on everything.

My Aim is To Impress You

By Herbert Hilliard


My aim is to impress you in the best ways. To be myself and show you that I have depth. This is my ambition towards achieving so that I stand out with you. Make no mistake, I am not approaching you for a handshake but am here to sweep your heart away.

I aspire to be your first thought when you awake and your last thought when you fall asleep. And during your sleep I will be the dreams that give you peace. In other words, my goal is to give you the best of me and be all for you that I can be.

The look in my eyes should not be a surprise as it reflects how I consider you as being the perfect person for me. Not to take anything for granted, but to make the indemonstrable self-evident.

I cannot place my love for you in a dish and hand it to you. Nor can I give you a mirror that will allow you to see within the deepest recesses of my mind. But I can conduct myself as a person of great wealth and those riches are my love and honor of you.

To be the influence that overwhelms your sensuality and rouse you into orgasmic oblivion is my call into your arms and my soft whispers into your ears. With admiration and respect, I confide in you the secrets and wishes of my heart.


The impact I am determined to have on you are positive ones, leaving a mark in mind that is strong and uplifting. The day is rolling around in my head as I contemplate the things I want to say to you. Placing one word before and behind the next in a symmetry that will adequately convey what my shortness of breath is trying to say.

My goal is to pin you to the obelisk without any nonsense and transform a single not into a satisfying melody. Can I get an agreeable nod of the head from you concerning my goal setting agenda.

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