
Retired computer tech. Bachelor degree in Computer Information Systems, Jones College, Jacksonville, Florida


Taking Matters

Taking matters at hand I decided to take a last stand at romance. She sways like a gentle song in the breeze refreshing the air with her charming fragrance. Her presence is everywhere consisting of everything and there is still so much about her to learn. I adore her in every regard respecting her strength

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No one Knows

No one knows when the moment comes. This is the mercy of the universe to maintain the secrets of the inevitable unknown. An instant is hear, and an instant is gone. Let the harps play and the grasses sway in the breeze as leaves grow and then falls from the trees. No one knows for

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death wish

Death Wish

It seems that the peoples of the planet Earth have a death wish, but if you look at this inclination closer you determine that it is primarily a European disposition, and cultures heavily influenced by Europeans that holds this attitude. This could be because of their religions that view death as a promised reward and

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I Am Here

I am here, but what does that mean if there is no one else with me? I can find value in and of myself when I am alone to myself, yet what is my reward, what are my fruits of comfort? Created by my thoughts a halo appears as an aura of glory surrounding my

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