
House of Fright

House of fright. Spiders and snakes, lizards, and scorpions. How many houses have I been afraid to live in? From childhood to adult. Lizards and snakes, scorpions, and spiders have terrified me because of the fear of them being in the house. I see them squiring about on the outside. Some climbing on the outside […]

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labyrinth -when I was not

In So Many Ways

I love you in so many ways. I love you as my friend, my companion, as a creative and positive thinker, as my protector, as my vision of what paradise must be like. I loved and adored you before the beginning of time and will continue to do so when time comes to an end.

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listening skills


Why are you listening? You have been told things about me that are not true at best. So, my task is to remove programmed propaganda against me from your mind. Don’t believe things you hear about me without consulting me first and judge me by my behavior not by hearsay. The root of all confusion

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