
Retired computer tech. Bachelor degree in Computer Information Systems, Jones College, Jacksonville, Florida

I Love You

I Love You

I love you. We tell a relative or a friend that we love them, but do we really mean what we say or are we are only making a conventional statement? How can you love someone who you do not spend time with and have shared experiences with? Distance does not bring closeness even if

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in the truth

When will the lies

This is a Comparison of two Drifts My Drift: When will the Lies When will the lies lay dormant and the truth which is exposed be accepted? Those who prefer to languish in a dense fog instead of clarity are like thieves and robbers stealing knowledge and looting conscious development. Lies of superiority, lies of

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I Simply

I simply wanted to take a look at you and when I saw you something happened to me. My reasoning became like dust particles easily blown by the wind and my judgement became like a fish that had forgotten how to swim. The loveliness of your face and figure caused me to lose my equilibrium.

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