
Trail of Dust


Discover the unique journey of love with a trail of dust, winding roads, memories, and consequences. Embrace the excitement and intrepidity as you navigate through the clouds of love.

Following a trail of dust on the road of love. Can’t see that far ahead nor that far behind and there is a feeling of excitement and intrepidity as the road winds. There is a sense of being on this winding road before, but each trip has its own uniqueness that sets it apart.

trail of dust

High in the air the dust raise and settles upon a large area as it falls. A good portion of the area where the dust has settled consists of memories while another portion are consequences both good and bad. A trail of dust in the clouds of love is a covering that clings to the skin absorbing into the pores changing both appearance and disposition of the holder.

Ahead is whatever will be and behind is what is left, and the dust make both a shadow of themselves. Along the way there are sideroads to take, many leading to dead ends and others leading to cliffhangers. All detours are clear of the dust of love.

A trail of dust that only a willing heart can follow and a temperament that does not allow moods to affect behavior. Settle down to the ground, rest upon the waters, let the freshest of air flow through the particles of being and do not be afraid to make and correct a mistake.

Following is not leading and leading is not as a result of. Some roads are best not straight, and a crooked path may not conform to symmetry and certainly not to math. High above the head the dust of love swirls. In most cases the dust of love will be caught by a breeze or a gust of wind and blown away.

dust trail

And then there is that cherished remnant of dust particle that remains, enduring upheavals and overpowering obstacles. The path has been tracked before, but the journey is a new one filled with hope and promise.

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