


AI vs Mind

Flowers - courses

Course One:


The desirable solution turned out to be a flawless remedy for internal isolation with its devouring feelings of metaphysical incompleteness and the search of justification for mortal residency.

A living being must have a strong internal connection with itself to avoid being overwhelmed by itself. Self-absorbing is the root of many psychological and physical problems leading to grandiose or low self-esteem issues and their consequences.

I dislike using the terms spiritual or spirituality because they have a religious connotation to them that robs the intent of the thought of its strength and substance rendering the expression monotonous and mundane.

The delightful coming is legions beyond any terrestrial word or expression devised to adequately describe or even pronounce the wealth and the depth encased within and emanating from.


The sought-after solution emerged as a perfect antidote to internal isolation, with its engulfing sense of metaphysical void and the quest for a rationale for human existence.

A living entity must maintain a robust internal bond to prevent being consumed by its own essence. Self-absorption is at the heart of numerous psychological and physical ailments, leading to issues of inflated or diminished self-worth and their subsequent effects.

I refrain from using terms like spiritual or spirituality because they carry religious implications that can dilute the power and essence of the concept, making the expression seem commonplace and uninspired.

The joyous arrival transcends any earthly language or phrase crafted to capture or articulate the richness and profundity it embodies.

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Course Two:


The landscape of life seemed to be missing a horizon and a sky overhead with moisture laten clouds to nourish the soil and feed the rivers and streams before the shaking.

When it felt that one step was as meaningless as the previous and the next, the trembling took place with swaying, and the perception of the day suddenly changed.

Life became a living substance filled with nutritious ingredients much palatable to the taste and potent to the mind. Wearing a necklace of pristine winding meadows that flows into the seas of unblemished nature the uplifting stands on the shore of delivered at the right moment with an assortment of fulfillments in hand.

The peddle is not separated from the twig nor the roots from the trunk as a world that once looked bleak has been overturned.


The landscape of life, once devoid of a horizon and a sky graced with moisture-laden clouds to enrich the soil and sustain the rivers and streams, was transformed by the shaking. Steps that once seemed futile gained meaning as the earth trembled and swayed, altering the day’s perception.

Life blossomed into a vibrant entity, rich with nourishing elements, delightful to the taste and invigorating to the mind. Adorned with a garland of unspoiled meandering meadows that merge into the oceans of untouched nature, one stands uplifted on the brink of timely deliverance, hands filled with an array of satisfactions. The pebble remains united with the twig, and the roots with the earth.

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Course Three:


The draft found every crack as an open invitation to pour inside the dwelling. When are you going to tell me that you love me; now, tomorrow, the day after that, or I shutter in horror to think, never.

The windows are closed but there remains a crack with an ant on the other side of it peeling in. Evermore, the dust rides the air like a sailboat riding the waters and each eventually find a place of anchor where they may or may not be welcomed.

The sun casted a wandering shadow that moved from the ground to a lamppost, and onto a bed of roses that had not yet blossomed. I say that I have captured you.

That is what I tell myself and even you knowing that is not true. I suppose I tell you and myself this out of fear of losing you. An open invitation by every crack is the draft of my heart that you allow to enter your dwelling.


The draft sought out every crevice, seizing the opportunity to seep into the dwelling. When will you declare your love for me; today, tomorrow, the following day, or— I shudder to think—perhaps never.

The windows are shut, yet a crack remains, with an ant peering in from the other side. The dust perpetually dances through the air, akin to a sailboat gliding across the sea, each eventually finding a resting place, welcome or not.

The sun cast a roving shadow that journeyed from the ground to a lamppost, and finally to a bed of roses yet to bloom. I proclaim that I have ensnared you.

This is what I tell myself, and even you, knowing it may not be true. I suppose I say this to both you and me out of fear of losing you. Each crack is an open invitation, a draft of my heart that you permit to enter your abode.

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