Delve into the complexities of love and admiration. Understand how our weaknesses can reveal profound truths about our connections with others.

My signature of weakness is thinking contrary of you, which I find difficult to do no matter how hard I try to. I want to be realistic knowing that no one is perfect but when it comes to you, I want to push reality aside and give you more honors than are humanly do.
My signature of weakness shows on my face when I look at you and tingles my ears when I hear you speak. To symbolize the instant when matter materialized all I need do is travel my hands along your hips to know that all things are possible.
I consider my adoration of you as a signature of weakness, but could it be a wealth of discernment that compliments the appearance by reaching into the depths of the person contained within the physical.
It is easy to fool oneself into believing that which is not true and except as fact something that is contrary to the evidence. But I am sure that I am not perceiving a disguise that is playing racquetball with my mind.
My signature of weakness is housed upon a solid foundation of learning which comes by being openminded about you and analytical of my motives concerning my relationship with you.
I will not allow my desire for your body and your mind to confuse me placing me in a position where my thoughts of you are capped by a dense cloud of unrealism. I sincerely rationalize my thinking and my behavior regarding you for the betterment of both of us.
Yet when I am near you the clock stops ticking even as twenty-four hours become compressed into a moment.
Bing® search says that: “logic states that (of two propositions) so related that one or neither but not both must be true. Compare with contradictory,” when contrary is a search term. My signature of weakness tells me that this description is possible but contains logical fallacies when I gently caress her breasts.
As a matter of fact, logic becomes anti-matter concerning my feelings for her as it does not matter what my inner voice is telling me pinning logic to the background of desire. This may not be a prudent approach in every instance, but it works when I am holding her in my arms. I can think of no better place to be when the need has overtaken me then as compact with her as I can get.
I am contrary where my criticism of her is concerned opting to break my perceived faults of her into their component parts finding a favorable critique in what I am experiencing and observing from and in her. I do this out of love for her, always considering that she has a signature of weakness regarding me.
My signature of weakness for both of us is a kiss in the light, and in the dark that will not be broken apart by unsubstantiated thoughts, hearsay, or fallible logic. This is because we both have had our share of romantic cliffhangers and have moved on to something better, which is our togetherness.
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