
Nothing Much


Words that paint a vivid picture of a world in turmoil, where the beauty of music contrasts sharply with the decay and chaos around it. The imagery of molded bread, a snake pit, and the rain invading the parlor evokes a sense of disarray and disillusionment. It seems to reflect a critique of societal trends and the manipulation of the masses, highlighting the futility and ignorance that can arise from such manipulation. It's a powerful and thought-provoking piece.


Let the orchestra play for those who have an ear to hear and for those who do not have a musical ear let the drums roll. The bread has molded in the covert and the well has become a snake pit. The weeping look to the crying for comfort and relief and it all amounts to nothing much. The wind opens the door letting the rain come in the parlor and the wide awake are herded like mindless sheep into every trend that the social manipulators invent. Nothing much comes of very much, if that very much is nothing much. However, the ends justifies the ignorance when the learned transforms the unlearned into a mush of mud.

One foot stepped behind the other and they both tripped and fell into the snake pit that use to be a well. And no one cares because they have their own problems which occur at untimely intervals. The debt is reduced only to increase when the unexpected come blowing in the winds. Storms in rapid succession, a quick glance at the telephone while skateboarding turns moments of assumed rest into something else. Why bother removing your shoe when your middle toe ich, just take it like a camel that’s sitting on a mantel and be done with it. The meek will inherit nothing because the strong will plunder and destroy everything for their pride and comfort.

Let not your mind fall apart by the troubles of the day and rest assure that climate change will soon swipe you away. Underground they burrow to escape what they have created only to find that they have carried themselves into the same cave. Listen to the wisdom and take a word of advice from the dumbest person ever to inhabit the planet earth because that person is smarter than all the social engineers piled up in a lump sum. Potholes in the roads are fill with oil and water, and someplace, and somewhere, a dress is pulled down below the feet before the knees hit the ground.

Less than three hundred years of recorded climate history and some people assume that they know everything about atmospheric conditions and earth changes that have taken place over hundreds of millions of years. The boot makes the right decision when it targets the sitting apparatus and an even more decisive one when it is dressed in steel toes. A certain person lit a candle and fell on their knees and at the very moment an airplane loaded with overfed elephants crashed into the building nullifying that persons pleads. A strong wind swept over the rabbit hole and the rabbit did not regard it because it told itself that it is an ostrich and those who convince the rabbit of this foolishness laughed all the way to the cave that they dug to hide themselves.

Now the animal has the high-powered rifle, and the great white hunter is on the run who can not figure out a defensive maneuver from a jigsaw puzzle. Hoofs of the defilers killing everything for sport without guilt or shame leaving the land barren like an open grave. Trophies on the wall, rugs of the fallen dressing the hall, mindless brutes killing and destroying for no other reason than they can. Trees chopped down to plant food for pigs producing less oxygen to breathe during the dry seasons. Conquer and tame nature without any concerns for devouring the planet. Inventing cellphones, airplanes, and televisions to do what the brain is equipped to do if properly trained. Material beasts terrorizing the fabric of the solar system, the only known dwelling place that the beasts can live in.

Jump high in the air and fall squarely on a lame cluck because the duck had sense enough to get out of the way. True to form the wishing well is an escort to hell where all the high-minded cannot cast their spell and no longer tarnish the gullible with their nonsense.

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