Enjoy words that are incredibly moving and heartfelt capturing a moment of profound realization and commitment to love. The imagery of the warmth of the sun and the need to hold your loved one in your arms conveys a powerful sense of longing and affection.

It’s only once in a lifetime that you truly get it right and it is a wise person who does not let that moment pass by. True love is a gift that should not be taken lightly because it is not fleeting like a desire of mind.
I ask for trust, and I ask for not much considering how my heart spins when I think of you. It only comes once in a lifetime, and it is not hard to find if you have the right frame of mind.
To get it right when it is found is by placing all preconceptions to the side and taking by face what is in plain sight. I love you, my daring I do, so much I do, and I feel this without even thinking of you as I feel the warmth of the lifegiving sun touching my face.
I need you in my arms. Holding you in my arms is what I need from you. Holding you in my arms is what I want from you more than my wanting the thoughts of you in my mind, which are wonderful too.
Which way to turn except the right way for once. The right way that leads straight to you. Straight to you with arms as welcoming as the sincerity of my thoughts of you and my heart for you.
With words spoken not only to meet with your approval as they are intended to, but in breathless quiet words spoken that only the innermost parts of your being can comprehend.
Words that I can only express by whispering, I love you. Do you hear my words above the beat of my heart? Can you grasp the depth of my emotions behind them?
Once upon a time there was no other time as the present moment that is before me. Before me in the person of person. Before me in the person of once in a lifetime. Before me in the urgency of not letting this moment pass by.
Not that I am wise by the balance scale of wisdom, but wise enough to know that I adore you. Wise enough not to allow your hips to disappear over the horizon without trying to secure them.

Only once does it come and most times when it is unexpected. An unexpected once in a lifetime that changes everything. And this once in a lifetime changes everything for the better for me.
Once in a lifetime better for me that I extend to you in the hopes that your once in a lifetime will be as mine. Be as mine, your once in a lifetime whispering words to me that only the innermost parts of my being can comprehend.
Only once and there is no other in the eons of time past, time present, time forever. Time forever that is ever there in the look in your eyes, in the soothing comfort of your smile, in the power of your courage as you stand tall before the fourteen winds.
Winds that try to blow you away from me and me from you. Winds that say this amount of deep-seated love cannot be in a world that is so confused.
It’s only once in a lifetime that you truly get it right, and when it is right your fault-tolerance is at its height pushing against the winds of conflict and overcoming strife before it becomes a struggle.
I love you, which is the least that I have to say about my feelings for you. Words that produce no sound only a soft murmur in my mind that your mind detects and responds with a soft murmur in return. In return, I love you. In response, I adore you. In one accord. My once in a lifetime.
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