
So close. So warm

So close. So warm. Listen to the music playing. Melodies that bring us together. Songs that express our caring. So close. So warm. Hearing a pin drop that sounds like a thunderclap and even with that our tranquility is not disturbed. Of one mind with no other purpose but one another. So close. So warm. […]

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Someone Who Cares

I’m feeling better than I ever have before because I know that I have someone who cares for me. Not only is it spoken in words but more in depth by actions and behavior. I can feel the caring as a radiant sensation when we are physically close and as a mental companion when we

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Every time I recall an experience in my life, I am always there to tarnish the memory. If I could only get out of the way of my memories, I am sure that I could recall a few good ones. Memories that would cause me to feel good about myself and not fill me with

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You Feel

You feel that you are in a dark place and need to find a way of escape. Be advise that you are only a single drop in a leaky bucket in a world that has been transformed into something far less than it can be. The pillow on the crest of the hill is not

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