

Taking Matters

Taking matters at hand I decided to take a last stand at romance. She sways like a gentle song in the breeze refreshing the air with her charming fragrance. Her presence is everywhere consisting of everything and there is still so much about her to learn. I adore her in every regard respecting her strength […]

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death wish

Death Wish

It seems that the peoples of the planet Earth have a death wish, but if you look at this inclination closer you determine that it is primarily a European disposition, and cultures heavily influenced by Europeans that holds this attitude. This could be because of their religions that view death as a promised reward and

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Deep Sleep

You are now in a deep sleep. You do not hear a voice nor feel any sensations. Time is no more, and matter is disintegrating. You are in a deep unending sleep. The past, the present, the future, are now irrelevant. The universe no longer exists. You are in a deep unchanging sleep and no

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The Canyon

Moving out of the canyon and into the open plain gives a feeling of anxiety and anticipation. The boundaries are well defined in the canyon with a defensive wall on three sides. The canyon gives an illusion of safety and concealment that the open plains do not afford. In the canyon the entry and exit

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