

I Am Here

I am here, but what does that mean if there is no one else with me? I can find value in and of myself when I am alone to myself, yet what is my reward, what are my fruits of comfort? Created by my thoughts a halo appears as an aura of glory surrounding my […]

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My Signature

My signature of weakness is thinking contrary of you, which I find difficult to do no matter how hard I try to. I want to be realistic knowing that no one is perfect but when it comes to you, I want to push reality aside and give you more honors than are humanly do. My

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Course One: Original The desirable solution turned out to be a flawless remedy for internal isolation with its devouring feelings of metaphysical incompleteness and the search of justification for mortal residency. A living being must have a strong internal connection with itself to avoid being overwhelmed by itself. Self-absorbing is the root of many psychological

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So close. So warm

So close. So warm. Listen to the music playing. Melodies that bring us together. Songs that express our caring. So close. So warm. Hearing a pin drop that sounds like a thunderclap and even with that our tranquility is not disturbed. Of one mind with no other purpose but one another. So close. So warm.

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